First Dawn Recovery

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Trauma Informed Addiction & Mental Health Treatment for Veterans at First Dawn Recovery 


First Dawn Recovery’s approach to care recognizes and responds to the impact of traumatic experiences on the physical, emotional, and psychological well-being of individuals who have served in the military.

Many veterans have experienced a range of potentially traumatic events, such as combat, witnessing violence, childhood trauma or experiencing sexual as- sault, which can have lasting effects on their mental health. Limiting admissions to 10, the program is designed to create a safe and supportive environment for veterans, promoting their healing and recovery.


Many individuals that enter treatment for substance use disorders also have co-occurring mental health disorders and medical challenges. Our multi- disciplinary team is experienced in treating, but not limited to the following:



• Anxiety
• Psychosis
• Mood Disorders
• Bipolar Disorder
• Major Depressive Disorder
• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
• Personality Disorders
• Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.



• High Blood Pressure • Heart Disease
• Liver Disease
• Digestive Problems • Mobility Issues


First Dawn Recovery has a cohesive team of professionals that are compas- sionate and experienced in treating substance use disorders and the many challenges that come along with it. The small intimate setting allows the treat- ment team to get to know each and ev- ery Veteran’s situation and work together to deliver the best treatment experience.




• Psychiatrists
• Medical Doctors
• Nurse Practitioners
• Nurses
• Clinical Social Workers
• Masters-Level Clinicians
• Registered Dietitians
• Music/Art Therapists
• EMDR Trained Therapists
• Recreational Therapists


The Spartan treatment team utilizes proven, evidence-based treatment meth- ods that are focused on developing solid strategies and promoting healthy deci- sion-making related to substance use, mental health and trauma.


• 3 Weekly Sessions of Individual Therapy
• Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
• Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
• Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) (Informal Groups)
• Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
• Exposure Therapy
• Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)
• Art/Music Therapy
• Recreational Therapy
• 12-Step Facilitation
• Family and Couples Counseling
• Sleep Hygiene
• Life Skills
• Anger Management
• Conflict Resolution/Coping Skills
• Loss and Grief Counseling
• Seeking Safety


  1. SAFETY: Ensuring that the treatment environment is physically and emotionally safe, allowing veterans to feel secure and respected.
  2. TRUSTWORTHINESS AND TRANSPARENCY: Building trust through clear communication, honesty, and consistent expectations.
  3. PEER SUPPORT: Recognizing the value of connecting veterans with their peers who have similar experiences, as this can help reduce isolation and promote a sense of belonging.
  4. COLLABORATION AND EMPOWERMENT: Involving veterans in the treatment planning process, respecting their autonomy, and giving them a sense of control over their recovery journey.
  5. RESILIENCE AND STRENGTHS-BASED APPROACH: Focusing on veterans’ strengths and resilience, emphasizing their ability to overcome challenges and build coping skills.
  6. UNDERSTANDING TRIGGERS: Educating veterans and their caregivers about trauma triggers and responses, helping them identify and manage these triggers in daily life.
  7. AVOIDING RE-TRAUMATIZATION: Being aware of potential triggers or situations that might re-traumatize veterans and minimizing their exposure to these triggers.
  8. EMOTIONAL REGULATION: Teaching veterans coping strategies to manage their emotions, such as mindfulness, relaxation techniques, and grounding exercises.
  9. HOLISTIC APPROACH: Addressing physical, emotional, and psychological needs through a comprehensive and integrated approach to treatment.
  10. FLEXIBILITY AND INDIVIDUALIZATION: Recognizing that each veteran’s experience is unique and tailoring treatment approaches to their specific needs and preferences.